The King Who Had Too Much of Everything
Author: Maria Papayanni
Illustrated by Effie Lada
From the White Ravens catalogue
A once strong and beloved king is overwhelmed by distrust and fear after having nightmares of losing his possessions and his people’s love forever. Ruled by his delusion, he isolates himself from his people and the people from each other. Joy, smiling, even eye contact are no longer permitted. The king carries all that he owns and all that makes life worth living around with him in a giant sack, until one day he dies of misery. The people then open the sack to finally share their happiness with each other. In this fairytale-like story, critically acclaimed author Maria Papayanni promotes values such as freedom and fulfilled communal living that stand opposed to materialism and the fear of life. She does so by drawing on allegorical elements in a vivid and inspired way. The illustrations of Effie Lada – who also has received multiple awards and international acclaim – are delicate and at the same time expressive; they emphasize the affective dimensions of the text through shape and colour. (5+)